The Josef Kafka Transport company was established – a one-person company
Transformation of the Josef Kafka Transport to KAFKA TRANSPORT a.s.
Construction and opening of a logistic warehouse in Opařany
We were the first Czech transportation company to be certified under the EN ISO 9001 standard – the Services Quality Certificate by the DEKRA Stuttgart
VOLVO, SCHMITZ selected exclusive suppliers of transportation technologies
A new branch opened on the premises of JIKA BECHYNĚ
The purchase of a neighbouring plot made it possible to centralize all activities in one spot
- A new office building opened in Opařany
- The PRYTANIS information software introduced
- The administrative building renovated
Construction of a car service building
Construction of our own petrol station
- Construction of a diagnostic and service center
- Granted the status of an independent service partner for maintenance of the VOLVO and SCHMITZ vehicles
Successful certification according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard
Successful certification according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard
The ECHOTRACK traffic monitoring software installed in all vehicles
An authorized service partner of the SCHMITZ brand
- The parking space extended by 5 500 m²
- A truck wash and a tyres storehouse open
- Introduction of GEDU - an internal communication programmed
- The construction of a car park for passenger vehicles of our drivers
- A safety camera system covering the whole premises installed
- A truck wash operation launched for our vehicles as well as other companies
- The repair of sanitary facilities in the office building started in January
- Heat cladding installed on the office building in June
- Regular monthly ice hockey matches of the KAFKA TRANSPORT a.s. team (bude odkaz na yotube)
- The walking-floor fleet enlarged
- DAF selected as another supplier of transportation means
- The owner of the company, Mr. Josef Kafka, was awarded the IRU Award for Top Road Transport Managers by the World Road Transport Organization (IRU)
- KAFKA TRANSPORT a.s. joined the RSC Logistics, a logistic cooperative, as its seventh member; it is an express transportation system called FOFR
Purchased the first VOLVO truck tractor for alternative LNG drive